UPSC CSE is the toughest exam in India. It contains all the burden, frustration, failure one can face while preparing this exam. Rarely an aspirant finds it enjoying consistently. Everyone gets drained off emotionally sooner or later. The whole process goes on for at least two years.
                 Many things come on the way of it's journey. Sometimes you face a motivating spirit, next day you find yourself in the ocean of frustration. I am trying to explain some points regarding it as follow....
(a) Time consuming process
(b) Sacrificing in nature
(c) Demand lots of hard work
(d) You have to be very consistent
(e) You have to deal with many periodic failures
(f) You have to study the things which you do not like at all sometimes
(g) You have to give up your normal life for a long time

Besides many challenges there are many other positive aspect of the preparation..as.
              You become better better person after grinding yourself so long. Regardless of success in this exam your personality shines and endow you with knowledge almost about every aspect of this world which is very precious. If you get success then you will have enormous opportunities to serve your society and country. you get power and prestige which no one profession can give in our country. 
